It’s a new song. A brand new arrangement. A choir of distinctive birds. Every morning they gather, offering the soundtrack to the quiet sanctuary of my backyard. But today I’m restless. Distracted. All around me, I witnessed dozens of struggling plants. Heads drooped, leaves withered. I wasn’t the only one affected by several days of high temperatures rocketing in the 90s and into the 100s. I couldn’t enjoy the choir’s generous offering this morning while the fragile beauty around me appeared to be choking.
I rose from my front row seat and, within minutes, saturated every pot, soaking each plant until the ground could hold no more water. I steadied. Waited. Felt the deepest satisfaction as drooped plants slowly found strength to lift their heads upward in thanksgiving. Curled leaves began to unfurl with a look of bold courage and gratitude.
I, the gardener, rested… satisfied that these delicate reflections of God’s indescribable beauty had received the gift they desperately needed…water!
I held my Bible tight, closed my eyes and smiled deeply! I understood. God’s purpose in bringing me to this still moment with Himself was no different than the moment I anxiously longed to provide for my suffering plants. He, the Master Gardener, ached to refresh and revive me, seeing how the sweltering heat of life had caused my head to hang down and my soul to curl inward.
Oh Friends, these few moments in His presence are not the expected acts of the spiritually disciplined or mere practices of the studious sojourner. Time spent in His Word, hearing the whisper of His love and the invitation to drop our needs at His feet is far more than a mere act of obedience. I open His Word and heavy clouds split! On dusty desert ground, pools gather. My eyes open. I discover His oasis within a desert world that exhausts and shrivels and shrinks out hope. I plunge deep. His Words wash over me, a refreshing coolness that one can only experience rather than try to describe. Those waters penetrate the crusty layers of my soul, regenerate every doubting cell, and clear clouded vision! I emerge from the water. Eyes cleared. Courage revived. All that could swelter hope is now soaked, cooled in the pool of His grace.
During a weekend flooded with hoopla and festivities, take time to plunge deep. While the sun blazes, allow His clouds to gather over you, linger while the pools emerge…then open to His invitation to dive in, drenching your soul in a hot and weary land where there appears to be no water!
Beauty Awaits,
Anchor of Hope: Psalm 84:5-6 How blessed all those in whom you live, whose lives become roads you travel;
They wind through lonesome valleys, come upon brooks, discover cool springs and pools brimming with rain! [The Message]
Psalm 84:7 They go from strength to strength, till each appears before God in Zion. [NIV]
Photo Credit: Tony Wolfe
Gosh, Patty, our minds must be on the same wave length with the word “new.” You started your blog with “It’s a new song. A brand new arrangement. A choir of distinctive birds. Every morning they gather, offering the soundtrack to the quiet sanctuary of my backyard.”
Just this morning I wrote this in my journal:
When I spend time silently before Him and ask Him to reveal Himself to me in new ways, I begin to understand that “new” is what God does best. He tells us in His Word, “Behold, I make all things new.” His mercies are new every morning. We’re told to “Sing a new song to Him” and He puts a new song in our mouth. We see there is nothing new under the sun and yet we read that He will create a new heaven and a new earth. He gives us a new heart and puts a new spirit within us. We read of the New Covenant and we’re given a new commandment. Yes, new is what God does best.
Enjoy the newness of this day!
Judy Lovitt
Wow,Judy! That is such an exceptional thought! “New” is definitely what God does best! I am so grateful to be a “new” creation in Christ Jesus. The old has gone…the NEW has come!
Beautiful post, Patty. I love how our Father reveals himself so readily in the things he has surrounded us with if we but take the time to position ourselves to see and hear him.
Thank you, Patty. Our Living Water is so eager to revive our thirsty souls. I love Him for this and so much more!!!