Fred was nearing retirement. He had worked for the car industry for over 30 years. The economy had forced the termination of hundreds of faithful employees…painful for both the failing industry as well as the individuals whose families suffered from the impact of lost employment.
An additional 500 employee positions were to be terminated by the end of the week. On a particular fall day, Fred’s supervisor called numerous unlucky men and women alike, one by one into his high-rise office, delivering to each the fateful pink slip. “I’m so sorry, we can no longer provide a place of employment for you.” Because of the steep cuts being made within the company, names within each department were drawn by lottery.
Fred heard his name over the intercom…the unimaginable had occurred. Leaving the supervisor’s office with head low and pink slip in hand, he walked past his own cubicle towards the men’s restroom. He walked to the furthest corner of the restroom and locked himself within the handicap stall. With tears streaming down his face, he fell to his knees and laid the small pink slip out on the floor in front of him. “Father, man says I no longer have a job; but what do You say? Man has never been in charge of my life. You are!”
He got up from his knees, slid the pink slip into his pocket, washed his hands and quietly walked back to his cubicle to serve his final days with this company with the same integrity he had always applied to his beloved job.
At 4:15pm Fred received an alert. He was needed in his supervisor’s office. “Fred, we are sorry for the difficulty these necessary terminations have caused you and countless other faithful employees. Today’s steep cuts shook this entire organization. However, we were informed of a grave error in today’s terminations. It seems that instead of terminating 500 individuals today; we inadvertently terminated 501 positions. Every name was placed back in the lottery to objectively correct this situation with the same fairness with which it was conducted. Fred, your name was drawn. I am pleased to announce to you that your position with our company has been secured!”
Man is not in control of my life, Father! You are….
Have you received troubling news? A diagnosis? A failing marriage? A wayward child? A job loss or other threatening report? We tend to bulk under the weight of these terrifying reports…our soul often crushed by their weight.
Around 715BC a humble and righteous King Hezekiah, received a threatening letter from a terrorizing nation: They were going to crush him and his country and no one had the power to stop them. He carried this threatening letter into the temple and spread it out on the ground before the Lord, “Bend down, O Lord, and listen! Open your eyes and see!…rescue us from his power!”
That is EXACTLY what God did! Man wasn’t in control of Hezekiah’s fate! God was! (Read the riveting story in 2 Kings 19:10-34).
And God still is! May we be reminded today that He never wants us to carry overwhelming situations alone. Thrust them on Him. His mighty power is always at work on your behalf. He does listen. He does see!
Question to Ponder: Are you experiencing a situation, a report, a decision that threatens to defeat you? Take a moment today, to lay out the details of this situation that bring you fear.
Read 2 Kings 19:10-34 – what encouragement do you receive from God’s faithfulness in this historical account of His working on man’s behalf?
Anchor of Hope: Hebrews 10:35-36 So do not throw away this confident trust in the Lord. Remember the great reward it brings you! 36 Patient endurance is what you need now, so that you will continue to do God’s will. Then you will receive all that he has promised.
This came into my in-box as I wait for the results of my blood draw this morning. Last Monday’s results were not good as the important values were dropping. My anxiety level is high because of not knowing. Like the two examples, I just spread out last Monday’s results and prayed the prayer of release of this issue into God’s hands. Now, it is not my doing but God’s work in me.
Thank you, Patty M. Your timing is God’s timing.
Shirley, I believe Jesus had you in mind when He laid this article on my heart! I’m standing with you as you wait!
What a good reminder of Who’s really in charge when we are the child of the King!
All our challenges are God-size! Laying them at His feet is our acknowledgement of our need for His greatness in the midst of our weakness. Thank you, Patty, for the vivid, modern-day reminder of our need to bring everything to Him.