(If you missed Part 1 – “Where’s the Fruit”, it can be found on my April 5th blog post)
8 “Physical training is good, but training for godliness is much better, promising benefits in this life and in the life to come. 10 This is why we work so hard and continue to struggle, for our hope is in the living God…
1 Timothy 4:8,10 NLT
I’ve always appreciated Paul’s acknowledgment of the benefit of physical training. Maybe because it gives me a guilt-free excuse to head outside for an exhilarating bike ride or jog. I thrive on physical training. I always have. My husband calls it ‘my answer to every ailment’: If your stomach hurts, go for a run. If you have a headache, go for a run. Sore throat? You got it…Dr Patty suggests a run. That’s an exaggeration, but I can’t deny the positive way physical activity affects me: I breathe more deeply, think more positively, process more clearly, and find my clothes fit a bit more loosely.
I’ve spent the majority of my life working out alone and have grown to enjoy the opportunity to listen to my Daily Audio Bible* or some motivating songs; but this lone-ranger fitness plan hasn’t always advanced my strength. I most often avoid opportunities to push beyond physical thresholds. When my body feels satisfied, I quit. During any given exercise, if something feels a little too taxing, I back off.
I recognized my physical endurance wasn’t advancing but rather decreasing, so I thought I’d try something different: I joined a Spin (cycling) class with an instructor. I had a love-hate relationship with this muscle-screaming class for the entire 60 minutes. I actually felt like I might have been experiencing a historical repeat of the Old Testament record of the time when the sun stood still….or maybe the gym clock hands were broken! I only knew that the time was not moving forward swiftly enough for my deliverance. After about 15 minutes of agony, my mind was in a battle between fight and flight.
Class peer pressure helped me cross the proverbial finish line, and the after-effects were incredibly awarding: My lungs opened wide. My mind was energized. I applauded the instructor’s ability to push me well beyond my normal threshold. To top that, I burned over 600 calories in that one hour, and now had a good excuse to replenish them!
As great as these benefits are, Scripture assures us that this physical training doesn’t hold a candle to the benefits of Spiritual Training. I’ve approached spiritual growth in the same manner as I generally approached physical goals: Alone.
For years I’ve set out daily on an individual journey towards knowing Jesus more fully. These times are tender and priceless, and are definitely necessary. Yet I’ve remained stuck in some areas of brokenness and much needed growth simply because I didn’t have the tools or the ability to push myself past them. Therefore, I spin for years, like a stationary bike anchored to one spot, and find myself cycling over the same negative thinking-ruts that have plagued me for decades.
A few months ago I could no longer deny the spiritual thresholds that had to be conquered if God was going to be fully glorified in my life. I needed life- instructors to help me push past spiritual barriers in the same way I needed an instructor to push me past my physical thresholds. Over the next month, I prayerfully sought out a small band of 3 other women, one older and two younger than myself. We have met together weekly and have served as both life-instructors and peer-encouragers to one another. Sometimes we nudge each other toward growth via a much-needed pat on the back. Other times, we offer a timely kick in the pants.
Through the safety of their unconditional love, I’ve been challenged to climb over daunting fences, and have discovered the Father’s invitation, “Come with me. There is something inside you that I want to explore with you!” He hasn’t shamed me with his findings. Instead, He has given me the strength and courage to face what has been too daunting to tackle on my own.
Maybe, like me, you yearn for the stamina to run your spiritual race well. Spiritual Training is as tough as physical training; and the distractions that keep us from it are every bit as persuasive. My girlfriend recently gifted me with a journal with this quote on the cover, “Great things never come from comfort zones!” It’s comfortable camping on our familiar pathways, but Scripture encourages us to “press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us!” [Phil 3:14]
There’s nothing easy about pressing forward to grow spiritually; and it may require, as the old Beatles song so aptly chimes, ‘a little help from my friends!’ Though the training is tough, our effort will always be met with God’s abundant strength! We will rejoice in the fruitful outcomes of a renewed perspective, audacious faith and simple obedience that responds to the gentle nudges of the Holy Spirit.
My prayer for you today is that you would find the courage to reach out to a friend(s) who could push you beyond your normal spiritual thresholds (and vice-versa). If you have no idea who this person should be, ask the Father to surface that trustworthy relationship!
Anchor of Hope: If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. James 1:5 NLT
*The Daily Audio Bible App is available through the I-tunes store!
Photo Credit: thepreachersword.com
It’s so easy to wrap my mind around the importance of spiritual training when you open with your story of physical training. So GOOD! I love the picture you painted for me.