I tentatively opened my summer box. It required an extra dose of courage to yank the first pair of shorts over my hips. Certainly, they shrunk in the dryer last fall (along with the next ten articles after them). In a state of defiance, I marched to the gym scale the next day. Denial melted into reality as the scale measured the damage—it was confirmed. Extra pounds latched to my hips like mud on a tire.
The scale didn’t create a new dilemma in my life—it simply provided an accurate measure of my condition. Trials serve in the same way—they become the scale measuring the condition of our faith.
The Bible records the journey of the Israelites after being set free from Egyptian bondage. They were chased by the Egyptians, stricken with thirst and weakened with hunger. God used every calamity to remind them he was with them and would fulfill his promises to them: He split open the Red Sea, turned bitter waters sweet, and fed them with Manna wafers from heaven. However, they doubted God’s care and loosen their grip on following Him every time a new trial presented itself. They yearned for their old life—you know, the one where the Egyptians were brutalizing their souls and killing their kids.
The Bible reveals the purpose of those trials: “I sent them to test the Israelites to see if they would be faithful to me.” God knew the condition of their hearts. He knows the condition of every heart. Why is it so hard to discern the condition of our own hearts. Trials become the scale to gauge the content within us.
The Psalmist declared, “O LORD, you have examined my heart and know everything about me.” Then he ends the chapter, “Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. 24 Point out anything in me that offends you…”
I would paraphrase it this way: God, I know YOU know me. I just need you to help ME know me.”
God provides trials to accomplish this. They are the test, the scale, the measurement of our real condition. They become an accurate witness of our faith.
When trials come your way this week, take time to assess. Let’s admit where our trust is
weak and ask God to reveal his presence with us amidst our anxious thoughts.
Next week we will look at the key to strengthen our faith.
Thanks for this Patty. Spot on this week as a feel like I am being tested big time this week. Struggling as a mom…
I pray Jesus would give you strength and stamina and would reveal his goodness to you in the midst of every trial.