Psalm 77:19 ~ Your road led through the sea, your pathway through the mighty waters—a pathway no one knew was there!
According to the prophet Isaiah, God taps the desert sand of our soul and streams spring forth (Isaiah 35:6). He carves roadways of escape into the oceans of impossibility that stand before us. Both of these realities sound improbable to the skeptic. And they are ….until God enters the scene. When God shows up, rivers part (Joshua 4). Whales become aquatic taxis (Jonah 2).
Some of Scripture’s stories sound incredulous. The sun standing still? The ocean depths turning into a roadway? Impenetrable walls crumbling at the sound of a few trumpet blasts? These scriptural events defy the very laws of nature. They’re IMPOSSIBLE! Unless God, who created the universe and the laws that govern it, chooses to move beyond them on our behalf.
Maybe you feel trapped. Devastation creeps from behind…a dream-swallowing ocean lays ahead. Maybe your purposes are separated by a raging river; or a parched and weary desert-circumstance has withered your soul. The One who led, leads. The one who sprung, springs…fresh water onto dry land! God continues to cut pathways through mighty waters. He still separates rivers of impossibility. He still reveals places of refreshment in your desert seasons.
…And our lives are never the same!
Jesus declared, “With God all things are possible.” (Matthew 19:26)
Just in case we missed it the first time, Jesus describes it from another angle: “Nothing is impossible with God!” (Luke 1:37)
A barren woman doesn’t have five children; but I have!
An apple farmer doesn’t pay a random girl’s college tuition…but he paid mine!
A family doesn’t live in a home that God purchased for them…but He purchased our Detroit home!
I could go on and on because God has responded so miraculously and intimately to our desperate cries for help!
Pathways emerged. Rivers split. Desert ground sprung with fresh water.
With God all things are possible!
Nothing is impossible with God!
Why not bookend your day with these two truths? What impossibilities threaten your confident hope? What improbabilities cause you to lose heart? Hem yourself in with the anthem that makes all improbabilities, probable:
With God all things are possible!
Nothing is impossible with God!
Carry the circumstances that threaten your faith into God’s presence today. Cry out to him. When you have nothing to bargain with, He acts. When your empty hands extend in desperate need, He moves.
He creates.
He carves pathways no one knew were there! (Psalm 77:19)
Beauty awaits….
Thanks Patty, since I have learned this and believe ithat my life has changed. This is one of my favorite scriptures.
WOW!!! This is so true in my life as well. I really appreciate your writing and relating to scripture. Of late, I have been taking time to reflect on the pathways and circumstances God has created in my life path. Who would have ever thought in those things that were seemingly bad at the time, that he was merely preparing me for something wonderful and unexpected blessings. There are always going to be challenges, but yes – With God all things are possible – and I need to look for his plan and pathway – not my own.
I am pretty sure there are barren women with faith that can move mountains. I appreciate the reminder that God can make a path where I cannot see one, but it may be a painful path.